civil engineering, the profession of designing and executing structural works that serve the general public, such as dams, bridges, aqueducts, canals, highways, power plants, sewerage systems, and other infrastructure.The importance of civil engineering can be placed on one reason: making the world an easier and safer place to live. Without civil engineers we would not have safe homes, cohesive road systems or hospitals. By becoming a civil engineer, you will be able to positively impact society by making the world a better place.

Civil engineering is considered one of the harder engineering degrees because it is a very broad field. It covers everything from land surveying and foundation design to construction management and traffic flow. There are many different aspects to civil engineering.Having a degree in Civil Engineering will definitely give you an advantage when it comes to salary. Graduate data displays a significant difference between the starting salary for a Civil Engineering graduate and the starting salary for non-graduates in this working sector.

Civil Engineering has the brightest future in Bangladesh for its huge opportunities of jobs both in private and government sectors. Remember in any developing country, the demand of building and re-building infrastructure is very high. So, huge amount of CE (Civil Engineering) graduates are needed.