Food that contains genetic material that has been modified through certain laboratory techniques and for which the modification could not be obtained through conventional breeding or found in nature.Food engineers design and develop systems for production, processing, distributing, and storing food and agricultural materials. Applications include food safety and quality, biorefining, pharmaceuticals, and environmentally-friendly packaging. Graduates are employed by industry and consulting companies.

Freeze-drying involves removing water from the blueberries while keeping their nutrients intact, which helps to prevent spoilage and allows them to be stored for longer periods.Increasingly mature technologies, such as genome editing, cellular agriculture and microbial-based food production, can be applied to produce healthier, sustainable and more foods with fewer resources and lower carbon footprint, creating an opportunity to reformulate food consumption patterns towards sustainable diets.

Keep our bodies warm and give us energy; Keep our bodies healthy by helping our immune systems to prevent or fight disease; Repair or healing of injuries. Helps our brains to grow and function properly.