Diploma in Computer Science & Technolgy

Diploma in Computer Science & Technolgy course is highly enriched with a solid foundation in computer hardware engineering, networking and software engineering as well as profound depth in digital electronics.
Emphasis is given on learning how to use and apply computer technology to control and connect activities and communication through digital networks while bearing in mind the latest cyber security protocols. Skills and knowledge required to develop applications for computers and mobile devices is also taught to empower the students to be an all-rounded computer engineer.
Digital Bangladesh implies the broad use of information technology for management, administration and governance to ensure transparency and accountability at all levels of society and state. The study of computer engineering is the backbone of information technology. The graduates of diploma in computer engineering are the main workforce behind making the Digital Bangladesh into reality.
The diploma in engineering program offered by Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) is an excellent course to produce skilled diploma graduates in this field to meet the enormous demand of the country. The duration of the course is of 8 semesters in 4 years.
The scope of higher education for diploma engineering graduates is plentiful. They can get admission in public and private universities. Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), a specialized university only for the diploma engineers, offers B.Sc. in Computer Engineering course. Many students of the field of diploma in computer engineering are going abroad for higher education.