What is mechanical engineer?  It is one of the most promising courses in India. Mechanical Engineering is the application of engineering concepts to the design, analysis, production, and upkeep of machines. It prepares the foundation for a prosperous career that enriches you and the society as a whole.

Further, mechanical engineer are highly esteemed by humankind since the systems and machinery they create for the general populace and industry make our lives simpler. This domain provides a wide range of practical applications and employment opportunities. In case you are still thinking if this is the right profession, here are ten reasons to consider.

Yes, mechanical engineering is a good career option in India as it is one of the oldest and broadest fields of engineering. The scope of mechanical engineering in India is vast, with opportunities available in various sectors like automobile, aerospace, energy, construction, and many more.

Mechanical engineers make a real difference: You could help solve some of the biggest global challenges facing humanity, like climate change, cyber security, ageing populations, food, clean water and energy. Or you could create an invention that changes the world.

Mechanical Engineers rank #1 in Best Engineering Jobs. Jobs are ranked according to their ability to offer an elusive mix of factors. Read more about how we rank the best jobs.

Mechanical engineering is a versatile field that offers many career opportunities. Students can work in research and development, design, testing, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. They can also pursue careers in management, entrepreneurship, or teaching.